JS++ 0.8.5: Bug Fix Release

This is a small bug fix release.

The following minor issues have been fixed:

  1. Dictionary expression of empty arrays now has the correct type inferred
  2. Labels for foreach statements
  3. Type inference for System.Array.reduce
  4. Function inlining for System.String methods: padRight(int), padLeft(int), startsWith, endsWith

Issue #1:

Dictionary<unsigned int[]> x = {
    "foo": (unsigned int[]) [],
    "bar": (unsigned int[]) []

The casts were previously required in 0.8.4, but, in the latest release, casting of empty arrays is no longer necessary.

Issue #2:

outerLoop: foreach (var row in json) {
    // ...

    foreach(var cell in row.Cell) {
        // ...
        continue outerLoop;

Issue #3:

string[] keys = dict.keys();
int x = keys.reduce(
    int(string previous /* type of 'previous' param */, string current) {
    0 // and this type

In the above case, the two types must match. However, the type checker was inferring ‘external’ instead. This has been fixed in the latest release.

Roger PoonRoger Poon
JS++ Designer and Project Lead. Follow me on Twitter or GitHub.