JS++ – Past, Present, and Future

Welcome to the new JS++ website and blog.

I’ll be your host, Roger Poon. I designed the JS++ programming language, and I’ve been programming since 1997, beginning with Delphi 3/Pascal. You can follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

When we first released JS++ in October 2011, we got rave reviews. Our release coincided with the release of Google’s Dart programming language, and we received favorable comparisons given Google Dart’s Hello World debacle. People were saying we designed a better programming language than Google.

In the same spirit, we plan to continue the fight. We believe we can design a better programming language (that can co-exist with JavaScript) than Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. We hope you’ll enjoy the ride together with us!

Roger PoonRoger Poon
JS++ Designer and Project Lead. Follow me on Twitter or GitHub.