Tips & Tricks: Only Fields are ‘private’ by Default

Programmers often complain about the verbosity of Java. Once you specify all the modifiers that must be applied, it’s not difficult to see how it can quickly become verbose:

public static void veryLongNamingConventions() {
    // ...

JS++ does this differently. Following the OOP principle of encapsulation, JS++ provides convenient default rules for access modifiers.

By default, only fields (variable members of classes) are private. All other class members – such as methods, getters, setters, and constructors – are public by default.

This makes it very easy to write concise code:

class Point
    int x, y;

    Point(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    int getX() { return this.x; }
    int getY() { return this.y; }

In the above code, the fields x and y are private. Meanwhile, the constructor and the getX/getY methods are all public. We can be explicit and manually specify the access modifiers, but it’s not necessary in JS++.

Roger PoonRoger Poon
JS++ Designer and Project Lead. Follow me on Twitter or GitHub.